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About Himalayan Meditation Tradition

There are many meditation traditions around the world. In fact, it is a testament to the merit of meditation that so many civilizations have considered it such an essential aspect of lite.

Himalayan meditation is a comprehensive system that excludes none of the authentic major traditions of meditation. In the Himalayan system we use all of these methods, and more, to form a complete picture. Someone schooled in this approach has been taught the right place for each technique and where it fits into the larger frame.

One trained in the Himalayan Meditation Tradition knows all the paths of meditation as they diverge from it and converge into the same as their origin. The teachers of the Tradition live for others only : that the suffering of many may be alleviated. They wander -as the Buddha said to his first batch of his disciples - "Wander, ye monks, for the benefit of the many, for the comfort of the many". That love is Meditation, and its highest from is enlightenment.

Himalayan meditation works on all the different components of one’s personality. It encompasses the spirit-mind-prana-body and all of the mechanisms by which these four interact. (When I use the word prana 1 am referring to the life force, which we take in as breath.) It also takes into account the relationship between personalities--in other words, the systems that constitute families, societies, nations, traditions, and all manner of small and large social units.

The Himalayan Meditation Tradition advocates complete self-sufficiency of a human being without dependence on any object external to his spirit and mind. For this, the Tradition teaches specific methods of training the human mind. It awakens the energy called Consciousness and instructs it as disciplines into the meaning of "Thou art That” or “You are that” (तत्त्वमसि, tát tvam ási) - till one's very being knows, "I, indeed, am That". The methods taught are scientific, systematic and entirely internal.

Here we give the chief components of the Himalayan system.

Purification of thoughts and emotions : to prevent internal disturbances from extraneous thoughts and sentiments arising during meditation one needs to practice the purifications such as (a) the yamas and niyamas, (b) four brahma-viharas or right attitudes (as describe in yoga sutras .I.33), (c) antidotes to disturbing thoughts, prati-paksha-bhavana (as mentioned in the yoga sutras .II.33) to ward off the vi-tarkas (yoga sutras .II.34), and so forth.

The practice of these leads to (a) ethical behaviour, (b) thereby loosening the bonds of karma, and (c) chitta-pra-sadana , clarity and purification of mind, making the mind pleasant and clear, and thereby (d) sthiti-ni-bandhana, firming up the physical and mental stability and steadiness in life and during meditation.

Another aspect of this purification is the conquest of the vikshepas, nine disturbances in the path of concentration (as mentioned in the yoga sutras.I.30), and their five accompaniments (yoga sutras I.31). Without such a conquest one will remain bound to the first three states of mind (kshipta or turbulent, mudha or stupefied, and vikshipta or distracted by the vi-kshepas) and will not be able to move to the next ground, bhumi, of being one-pointed (ekagra) and then totally controlled or ni-ruddha in samadhi.

Mindfulness : As taught in the yoga sutras .I.20, the practice of smrty-upa-sthana (Buddhist sati-patthana) takes many forms, the details of which are taught in personal instruction. For example the Himalayan tradition teaches the method of asanas coupled with full awareness of the states of the body, breath and mind in a detailed methodology. In fact a major component in the practice of postures is self-awareness, a deep self-observation, in all states of body and breath and mind, especially the mind.

Breath Awareness : It starts as part of the mindfulness system and becomes specialised as the very first step in the practice of meditation (YS.I.34). Here, it is essential to learn diaphragmatic breathing that is slow, smooth, without jerks and without a break between the breaths. The live Himalayan tradition of meditation does not go for practices like kumbhaka. It teaches the students to simply (a) learn to breathe correctly in a manner conducive to meditation, (b) to observe the breath flow, which has many variations, (c) to do it for a long time without changing the technique, and (d) wait for kevala-kumbhaka to occur naturally when the mind, woven with the very subtle breath, comes to a standstill and thereby brings the breath itself to a suspended state.

The Himalayan Meditation Tradition is distinguished in that it is

  1. the first meditative tradition,
  2. most comprehensive, integral and all-inclusive
  3. has given birth to the major meditative traditions of the world and has continued to enrich them all,
  4. does not require adherence to a belief system but experientially helps verify the metaphysical reality,
  5. has an unbroken lineage whose continuity is ensured through transmission of shakti in meditative and initiatory states.
Bhola Shankar Dabral

MentorB. S. Dabral

Bhola Shanker Dabral was born in a Sanskrit speaking family and learnt Sanskrit and Vedic rituals from his father who was the principal of a Sankrit collage. His family is closely associated with great saints and Yogis of India. His grandfather was a master of Yoga and was very well known for his knowledge and practice of Mantra Science, he was a disciple and served a great Yogi of the 19th Century; Swami Ram Tirtha, who was world renowned Master of Vedanta.

Shanker has been practicing yoga since his childhood under the guidance of his father. His father trained him in Vedic astrology, rituals and Mantras. His father was the disciple of great Himalayan Yogi Swami Rama of the Himalayas.

After initiated into the Himalayan Yoga Tradition of Himalayan Yogis in an early age, his formal training and practices of yoga took a new dimension and shape. Shanker has obtained a teachers training certificates. He holds ERYT200 and RYT500 from Yoga Alliance USA and also a Master degree in Yoga Science from the Yoga university in India and now working on his PhD in Yoga Philosophy.

He served a great Himalayan Master Swami Veda Bharati and has lived a life of devoted service to the Lineage as student, teacher, business director, working closely and learning from Mahamandeleshwar Dr Swami Veda Bharati for more than 20 years.He was looking after his publications and charitable activities under the guidance of Swami Veda.

Bhola Shanker Dabral also served as Board of Directors of AHYMSIN(Association of Himalayan Yoga Meditation Societies, International) and Managining Trustee of Himalayan Yoga Publication Trust as well as Secretary of Dhyana Mandiram Trust, organisations established by Dr Swami Veda Bharati in Rishikesh, India.

His life took another direction when he moved to United Kingdom for higher studies in management. He did his Masters in Business Management from the University of London, United Kingdom. The management training gave him the new dimension and era to work. He designed the Yoga courses for the corporates and courses on stress management and counseling.

He had also taught yoga in many Yoga Centers around the globe and leading health SPAs. He has been invited in many parts of SE Asia and Europe many times to hold retreats, workshops and conferences on Yoga and Ayurveda. He is also invited to conduct workshops for corporate and yoga teachers on practice of meditation and stress management along with Ayurveda practices for total wellbeing.

He has studied with many world renowned Yoga Masters of India and received their blessings.

Offerings What we Offer

Himalayan Meditation Institute is dedicated to providing authentic and transformative training in the art and science of meditation. Our various programms address all aspects of a meditator's life because all of life has an effect on meditation. With training and discipline, a dedicated meditation practitioner can slowly transform the entirety of her or his life, from the inside out, resulting in a way of living that is synonymous with joy, sustainable, purposeful and joyful life.

Our programms are offered in a variety of formats, including online courses, virtual group meditations, written resources, Meditation retreats, and our unique Himalayan Meditation Teachers Training programme.

The path of meditation as taught by the Himalayan masters is a rigorous path. Programs offered by Himalayan Meditation Institute are available to all who seek authentic inner wisdom, all who seek to live skillfully in the world, and all who seek to realize their true Self. Our teachings are based on the oral and written traditions of the Himalayan Masters, which have been tested and validated for centuries; our teachings are based on our own experience as lifelong practitioners and perennial students of these Masters.

  • Himalayan Meditation teachers training courses
  • Master classes on Yoga Sutras and other prominent yoga texts
  • Sadhana and Silence retreats
  • Yoga Meditation retreats and workshops
  • Beyond Immagination: insightseeing tour to the Himalayas
  • Corporate training programmes for CEOs, Managers and leaders for applying spirituality in Management

Himalayan Meditation Teachers Training Course

Himalayan Meditation Teacher Training Program, in the tradition of the Himalayan Masters, is a transformational program for serious students who are looking for authentic, practical and rigorous training of the art and science of meditation.

A teacher of Himalayan meditation is a master of all of the preparatory limbs of raja yoga, which were created and tested by the Sages to purify the body, breath, and mind.

Our meditation training programme offer a combination of purification practices, based on the ancient, systematic, and proven methods of the Himalayan Masters, coupled with modern training and teaching techniques, including biofeedback.

The Himalayan meditation training course is an opportunity for deep learning of the art and science of meditation grounded in the purest tradition and lineage of Himalayan Yogis. The course will be a wonderful journey for those who are seeking authentic knowledge and practices of meditation and other associated practices such as yoga nidra (yoga sleep) and pranayama (breathing practices) as per the tradition.

Yoga is a whole life proecess. The most important aspect of this process is that of meditation, inclduing both seated meditation and meditation in action in daily life. This course is ideal for both who are totally beginners OR who have some exposure to any of the faces of yoga, whether ancient or modern. This course will set a stage for years of expansion into the greater breadth and depth of authentic and traditional practices of yoga.

For yoga practitionrs and teachers, meditaiton is a process of blending with and expenading on what you are already doing as your yoga practice, not a process of replacing one with the other. In these days an increasing numner of asana practitinors and teachers are exploring the more tradtional meaning of yoga practices as method of meditation.

This course is desinged to be an introduction to that process, to the fact that yoga really does mean” union of individual self with the universal self”.

The course will also provide a therotical framework to the meditaiton practices and includes sessions on theory on meditation practices conncting differnet yoga text.

Sadhana And Silence Retreats

For a sadhaka or practitinor all of life is sadhana. Knowing that each action, each word, each thought will either lead closer the ultimate truth or further away, the sadhaka chooses to only do that which is helpful to the supreme goal of life. This choice and the actions that come from it are known as sadhana.

For the intellectually minded, sadhana may take the form of study. For the emotionally oriented, sadhana may take the form of chanting. For the formally oriented, sadhana may take the form of sacred ritual. For the physically oriented, sadhana may take the form of purification. The methods and means of sadhana are vast, but the goal is singular: Self Realization or to introuce to your true self.

Each of our Sadhana retreats relies on ancient, proven methods of practice as developed over millenia by the sages of the Himalayas.

The structure of our retreats is based on Patanjali’s Raja Yoga( the Royal Path) system. In this retreat we will systematically introduce and experience practices which address all levels of our being: physical, energetic, mental, emotional, spiritual.

Each day builds upon the strong foundation of the preceding day, culminating in few days of silent practices where we skillfully seek to enter into the realm of the Superconscious state of meditation.

These proven practices are not difficult to learn and begin; our retreats are open to all who have a sincere desire to rise above suffering.

For more information please contact us

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ContactsGet in touch

Himalayan Meditation Institute

Ram Nagar, Virbhadra Road
Rishikesh - 249201
Uttarakhand, India


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