Himalayan Meditation Institute Loading
4th August 2024
B. S. Dabral

Tradition of Himalayan Yogis

Shri Swami Rama of the Himalayas, the founder of the Himalayan Institute and the guardian of the Himalayan Tradition, was very precise in his teachings. He was meticulous in adhering to the scriptures, ensuring the authenticity of his teachings. Whether you have read his books or attended his seminars or listen his discourses you will notice his unwavering commitment to how this tradition should be shared globally.

To be an effective teacher and spiritual guide, there are essential principles and practices we must adhere to. Swami Veda Bharati has also emphasised that modern yoga has...

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25th March 2023
B. S. Dabral

Food Sadhana : What to eat ?

From food are the beings born ~ Bhagwad Gita 

Food is the verily the mind ~ Upanishad 

What is a Sadhana?

The goal of sadhana is to know your true self or Self-Realization or Enlightenment whatever you call it.  To a practitioner, or sadhaka, all of life is sadhana. Knowing that each action, each word, each thought will either lead closer the understanding of ourselves or further away, the sadhaka chooses to only do that which is helpful to the supreme goal of life. 

This choice and the actions that come from it are known as sadhana. For the intellectually minded, sadhana may take...

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7th August 2022
B. S. Dabral


Defining Meditation

Like so many ancient, spiritual terms that once had clarity and context, the word “meditation” has been given a life of its own in modern parlance.  And, while all attempts to seek this state called “meditation” are to be revered and celebrated, there is merit in returning to the ancient sources which first defined dhyāna.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali define meditation as:

tatra pratyayaika-tānatā dhyānam. तत्र प्रत्ययैकतानता ध्यानम् ।।

“In that [concentration or its locus], the single [unbroken]...

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12th July 2022
B. S. Dabral

Guru Purnima 2022


Purnima means a full moon day, and according to the Indian calendar, we celebrate it on this month.  This day has always been devoted to recognizing, respecting, and honouring the Guru.

The Guru introduces you to the guru within you which is your own conscience and says,"Look within and be guided by this.”  The Guru guides you, inspires you and gives you the strength. The strength which is already within you.

Guru Purnima is a day that reminds us that the purpose of life is to attain knowledge which dispels the darkness of ignorance.  The...

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